Tuesday, February 18, 2014

New Episodes coming soon.

Sorry it's been quiet here at the jump. I've had technical issues with my netbook used for recording. It is old. It needs to be put out to pasture. In an Office Space kind of way. It has been giving me fits for a while... but now it shuts down automatically after about 5 minutes at this point. So I pretty much can't do ANYTHING worthwhile on it. We did our taxes last week. We are getting a few bucks back. I had considered using it all on pizza at Midnite Slice, but my dear Cristi gently reminded me that we have bills, kids with broken appendages, more bills, and now a new laptop is in order. I gave in. It's probably not wise to spend an entire income tax refund on pizza. No matter how great the craving. Which has been tremendous. We can't live in Seabrook. We would turn up broke in a hurry.

Anyhow kids, This Fire Pit Podcast will be getting more content to you soon. We have a Few show in the works. The flagship show, The Fire Pit, which could be about anything. We will even as folks on Twitter and Facebook to throw us a topic. We will even have virtual Fire Pits where I throw a tweet for someone to Skype me (HukeGreen) and just shoot the bull. Stuff like that.

We will have Fire Pit Presents: Game Night. We will play games. board games? Card Games? Blitz?!?! Yeah. All of that. We will play trivia games mostly. We will even have special game nights with YOU folks! Swing by if near or via Skype from afar. There will be prizes such as a night where the winner will receive a DVD copy of Point Break. YES, It's that serious! POINT BREAK! You can win it. In Texas. In New York. In Sochi! Just keep your eyes open for the Game Night and you can be on the show and WIN! 

We will also be having Fire Pit Presents: Movie Night. This show will be very similar to our wildly popular Cristi Hates Horror podcast, Which you can find exclusively on The Horrorphillia Network of Podcasts. The catch is, of course, these will be NON horror movies. You know, like Point Break. We will take suggestions as well. We could even take suggestions and the suggester can guest host. Or not. Whatever you want. It's the Fire Pit. all is good. all is warm. Just bring a log and pull up a chair. Swig of tea.

I have ideas for other shows, but we will have to wait and see if those come to pass before throwing them out there. Stay tuned guys.

Sorry for bad grammar. I'm tired. Not proof reading. Later guys. 

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