We are joined by Singer/Songwriter/Chili Enthusiast
Ben Hall.
We pick our poison and take the
Pringles Challenge... can we eat a single
Pringle and not pop another for the entire episode?
Kevin discovers some possible
not so good news regarding the delicious chips.
We attempt to get a healthcare professional on the phone to ask about the dangers
We find out Wal-Mart desperately needs a special chip department head to handle phone inquiries
Taco Bell will NOT trade the Doritos in Meal Deals for Pringles.
Captain excitement makes an appearance...
All this and so much more!
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Ben Hall:
Twitter -
Ben Hall
- 'Pulled By The Moon'
Drop us a message on the Voice Line:
281-862-8598 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
281-862-8598 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting